Makeup as well as charm blog Monday Poll, Vol. 523

So…what is the Monday Poll?

Good question! It isn’t, as opposed to its name, an actual poll. It’s just a listing of five much more or less random concerns I’ve been publishing on this blog every Monday morning for the past gazillion years (more than 10!). I like reading your answers, as well as it assists me get my week off to a fantastic start. ?

1. The three lip colors you wear many often?

Ooh! — this one’s easy. Pink, coral as well as blue…

(Yes, j/k about that last one, LOL. It’s not blue. It’s brown.)


2. have you ever had a lemonade stand?

Not formally, no, however I vaguely recollect lining up Dixie cups on the walkway outside my house, filling them with water from the hose, as well as selling pretend lemonade to my buddy Karrie who lived next door for the low, low cost of three leaves. ?

3. What’s one thing you’re looking ahead to this summer?

The long days. I like that it stays light so long as well as late into the evening. I swear, I get a great deal much more done (the only issue is trying to go to bed early in some cases when it’s still broad daylight at 9).

It’s already staying light later than it was. like tonight I understand it’ll still be light when I get house from HIIT class, so I plan to plant the herbs I got for the woman Sanctuary (dill, cilantro as well as thyme)!


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4. Your signature dish?

Hmm… That’s a great question! I don’t truly have one. I desire I did, since who doesn’t like taking special requests for something you’re well-known for?

I do get requests in some cases for my brownies, as well as I make a imply frozen waffle with peanut butter as well as raisins…

5. Your signature makeup look?

Bronzed/plummy lids with coral cheeks as well as lips.

Soft glam all day, every day, my friend.

Missing may entirely!

Is it just me, or does may feel like it’s moving quicker than usual? This very first week went by in the blink of an eye! everybody utilized to tell me that time passes quicker when you get older, as well as I’ll be damned if they weren’t right. Why is that? spring is zipping by at breakneck speed.

I hope that occurs to our Monday, as well as it passes in the blink of an eye…except for the great parts. To whom it may concern, please sluggish it down for the great parts, like lunch!

See ya later.

Your friendly community charm addict,



P.S. If you’re game, right here are the concerns to copy as well as paste into a comment with your answers:

1. The three lip colors you wear many often?
2. have you ever had a lemonade stand?
3. What’s one thing you’re looking ahead to this summer?
4. Your signature dish?
5. Your signature makeup look?

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