Category: Cosmetics

Meet MAC Prissy Princess From the MAC girls Collection and Her Troupe of Tantalizing Taupes

Meet MAC Prissy Princess From the MAC girls Collection and Her Troupe of Tantalizing Taupes

MAC Prissy Princess, $39.50 and available now
I don’t identify at all with the name of this MAC girls palette.

Prissy Princess? Come on! I don’t think I’m prissy, and I know I don’t act like a ?? princess. Although El Hub would probably beg to differ, LOL!


Now, if this had been called Punk rock Princess, or Punk Princess? Hell, yeah, I’d claim that title in a heartbeat!

MAC Prissy Princess’s tantalizing types of taupe

OK, silly name aside, I like the colors in this palette, which is, in a manner of speaking, a meditation on taupe.

Satin Taupe, specifically.


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Seriously, I could wear Satin Taupe almost every day, but I wouldn’t have to, thanks to MAC Prissy Princess, because it’s like someone started with a pan of Satin Taupe, and tweaked it in different ways.

So, we’ve mainly got a bunch of taupes that are complemented by amazing and neutral browns, pink, a bit of gray and a sliver of silver.

It’s fab for amazing and warm skin tones

It looks like it’s designed for amazing skin tones, right? but it isn’t as cool-toned as I thought. There isn’t that much gray in the mix, so I really do think that warm skin tones could rock it too.

Prissy Princess on my lids! I’m also wearing Lancôme Mosieur big liner and Mascara on my eyes, MAC Fleur Power on my cheeks and Nudestix Saint Matte Lipstick on my lips.
If you’ve been reading MBB for a while, then you probably already know that 1) my cat is a world-renowned kitty supermodel, and 2) I believe that cool-toned taupes and browns can totally flatter warm skin tones.

For me, it’s all about the crease, and mine isn’t deep, so I wear amazing browns and taupes to play with light and shadow on my lids and create the illusion of a deeper-set eye.

Meet the MAC girls palettes!

Mischief Minx

Rockin’ Rebel

Fashion Fanatic

Power Hungry

Great blending

Just like the shadows in Mischief Minx, Rockin’ Rebel and fashion Forward, these are easy to paint with, and easy to blend into each other and other shadows, regardless of which finish we’re talking about.Most of the shadows in Prissy Princess are Satins and Mattes.

Here are your swatches, your royal highness!

It’s easy to take these Satins into the Mattes or the Foils, or whichever other way around. MAC really seems to have upped the quality of their LE palettes lately.

Minor fallout alert: Spoil Yourself

It’s been the only red flag I’ve seen — dark brown Spoil Yourself, which looks a little like MAC Brun, exhibits more fallout than the other shades. The first time I used it, I was going for a dark chocolate smoky eye, but I went a little crazy dusting it on my lids and ended up with some on my cheekbones and lower lash lines.

Just something to note, but I only notice it with this shade.

And some more swatches…
Still highly recommended

With this palette and Mischief Minx, you’d be set for an endless number of easy, everyday makeup looks through the rest of summer, into fall and well beyond.

It’s LE and at MAC counters and the MAC website now. along with the rest of the MAC girls palettes.

I’m yearning for this desk…

I popped into Crate & Barrel to get a gift for a pal last weekend and bumped into this desk (which I’ve been wanting for years) called the Strut.

The Strut desk needs to strut into my life.
UGH. I love it so much! I love the angles and the legs and the glass top and everything about it (except the price). Normally, I wouldn’t be into a glass top table (because, how sturdy can that be, really?), but I bought these clear chairs from cost plus last year and love how they don’t clutter your visual space. I mean, you can see that the chairs are there, obviously, but because they’re clear…they almost aren’t there. sort of?

Anyway, I like them.

I also like that rose gold clock in the upper right.


My office is small, so I feel like a clear table top would have the same effect. Unfortunately…this desk is $800, which is crazy expensive, so it’s not like I’m going to be going there any time soon. but I’m going to start dropping hints for El Hub. maybe I can collect Crate & Barrel gift cards and save up for it.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


Saturday Surfing: July 1st, 2017

Saturday Surfing: July 1st, 2017

Saturdays are made for muumuus
Hi, babe. delighted first of July.

Yup, you read that correctly. It’s July! summer is chugging ideal along. here in the US, this is our independence Day holiday weekend. If you have a four-day weekend, lucky you! I hope you get to sleep in.


So, after I got home from dinner last night, which was fun, I enjoyed an episode of American Nina Warrior, and for a brief moment, between bites of a chocolate chip cookie and sips of pink lemonade (which sounds like a odd combo but absolutely works), I thought, “I could do that.”

Then, I came back to reality, LOL!

Have you ever enjoyed that show? It’s addictive but kind of stressful to watch, especially late at night, because you start to really pull for the competitors.


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Right now I’m about to catch on some reading. El Hub got an issue of popular Science, which I started reading last week and want to finally finish (this one’s all about climate change), and I’m also going to finish a few chapters of The Wolf Road, the young adult novel I’ve been chipping away at for the past month.

If you happen to be trying to find something to read, I got ‘chu, girl!

Can someone please give the FDA a lot more money? because they’re getting complaints about appeal side effects.

The writer behind Netflix’s amazing glow (the show about women’s wrestling) tells you exactly how she got her job.

When you start reading about urine therapy as a treatment for pimples and you just can’t look away…

I’ve been following luxury perfumer Frederic Malle for a while now, and ever considering that I read this quote from him, I’ve loved him that much more: “I was at Chateau Marmont yesterday in the elevator and there was this girl preparing for a party, and I was really sad for her because she smelled like a task Free.”
Perfumers. They throw shade, too.

Big hair. Let’s go there! maybe this list of the best and worst luxury and drugstore volume shampoos will help us get there?

For all my red lip lovers: I think you’ll love this urban Decay Red Lipstick Guide.

Aaaaand MOAR reds! because summer time MAC reds are always a good thing.

Now that it’s summer, gimme all the schemxy summer body oils, please.

Taylor’s such a babe! I love her makeup aesthetic. here are some of her picks for natural, luminous beauty.

Rae has the 411 on make up For Ever’s new Ultra HD Lip Booster.

In case you’ve been absolutely baffled by it, here is the Unicorn craze, explained.


I hope your Saturday Cinderella chores go by quickly so that you can immediately get on to the crucial service of enjoying your weekend. have a terrific one, my friend!

Your friendly neighborhood appeal addict,


Makeup and beauty blog Monday Poll, Vol. 502

Makeup and beauty blog Monday Poll, Vol. 502

happy Monday! (These are some of the new MAC Grand illusion liquid Lipcolour shades that are on counters meow.)

So…what is the Monday Poll?

Well, it isn’t exactly a poll. It’s more of a constantly evolving (devolving?), somewhat random list of questions I’ve been putting out to readers every Monday morning for the past 10 (!) years. (It’s like a kickstart for your brain.) I’ve always enjoyed reading your answers in the comments, and I hope you enjoy reading mine.

1. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being normal and 1 being barely able to form a cohesive thought, how alert are you before you have that first cup of tea/coffee in the morning?

I’ll go with 3.

It’s not that I’m mean or crabby right when I first get up…but I’m not particularly friendly either, ha! Or talkative, for that matter.


It takes about 30 minutes and something caffeinated before my engine gets started and I’m ready to go. before that, nuh-uh, don’t even talk to this girl. maybe don’t even look my way, haha! because I’m a grumpy goat.

2. have you ever taken a vacation by yourself?

Have I ever taken a vacation by myself?

Ya know, I haven’t, but it’s definitely something on my bucket list. A friend once told me that both of her parents would take vacations by themselves, which I thought was cool.

I don’t know… I love sharing experiences and exploring new places with other people, but I also like being by myself sometimes and doing whatever I want on my terms and my own schedule.


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I know that sounds a little selfish, but it’s something from my former life before El Hub, Tabs and Connor, from that part of me that loved being able to pick up and do whatever I wanted to, whenever I wanted to do it…

3. At what age did you learn how to drive?

I think I was 20, and it was in my sophomore or junior year of college. It was later than my friends, who were all driving in high school.

4. Does your makeup change with the seasons?

Yes and no. Like, I’m down to wear whatever colors in whatever season, but I like to wear less makeup overall in the spring and summer when it’s hot, and more makeup when it’s cold.

5. Where are you spending your Thanksgiving?

Right here in good ol’ Novato. We’re hosting again this year, and ya know, I wish I could say that this is going to be the year I make the whole meal from start to finish, but that’s just not happening. I ordered the turkey, sides and fixin’s from Nugget Market, and my parents and in-laws are bringing appetizers and pies.

It should be fun! I plan to spend a lot of the day lounging around, chasing the cat and the baby, and enjoying a little downtime with my family.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,



P.S. here are the questions to copy and paste:

1. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being normal and 1 being barely able to form a cohesive thought, how alert are you before you have that first cup of tea/coffee in the morning?
2. have you ever taken a vacation by yourself?
3. At what age did you learn how to drive?
4. Does your makeup change with the seasons?
5. Where are you spending your Thanksgiving?

Rita Hazan root Concealer Touch-Up Stick

Rita Hazan root Concealer Touch-Up Stick

With my hair BFF for the last two weeks, the Rita Hazan root Concealer Touch Up Stick in Dark Brown/Black ($25)
I’m holding on for dear life till tomorrow afternoon, which is when my roots will lastly be obliterated into…oblivion (for at least six weeks!) by my good friend as well as hair stylist Alis, say thanks to YE GODS!

It’s getting harder to hide those bit gray infant hairs, which is why I’m living for the Rita Hazan root Concealer Touch-Up Stick. It’s a chubby, waxy twist-up crayon for coloring in gray hairs as well as roots in those hard-to-reach locations on your mug (and you can likewise utilize it on on your brows).


All I do is run the pencil back as well as forth a few times on the hairs I wanna cover. The pencil deposits a layer of product that feels like a thin wax, as well as then I comb the hairs with the spoolie that includes it.

The product covers everything, as well as it stays put till I laundry it out.

The sticks are $25 each at Sephora as well as Ulta as well as are available in Dark Brown/Black, which is the shade I use, Light brown as well as Dark Blonde.


I just gotta hang on for one a lot more night… Come on, Karen, you can do it! LOL!

Your friendly community appeal addict,


Sundays With Tabs the Cat, makeup as well as beauty blog Mascot, Vol. 466

Sundays With Tabs the Cat, makeup as well as beauty blog Mascot, Vol. 466

I can’t get over exactly how much this feline likes carbs! It’s crazy. It doesn’t make any type of sense to me. He’s a full-on carnivore, so why would he rather eat a zinnia flower, a croissant or a piece of toast than a slab of bacon or an egg?

The only thing I can believe of is that his old dry food (Hill’s science Diet) contained whole grain wheat as well as other veggie fillers, which I didn’t believe twice about at the time, however then a few years back Tabs was diagnosed as pre-diabetic, as well as his vet stated he should lay off the carbs.


These days he mainly eats low glycemic grain-free Nutrisca crunchies as well as grain-free wet food, which he eats…reluctantly.

Well, he likes his nightly wet food (mostly Sheba Paté, however sometimes he gets $$$ ZiwiPeak), however I don’t believe he likes it as much as he utilized to like routine elegant Feast, which has wheat in it to make that tasty gravy.

I’ve asked a couple different vets why some cats like to eat grass, other plants as well as flowers, as well as they weren’t sure. I assumption there are different institutions of thought. Some vets believe cats do it as an instinct to clean their teeth, since the plant fibers can get down in there between their teeth as well as gums, or to supplement their diet plan with specific nutrients that they don’t get from meat, or to force themselves to barf, since it assists them remove out their digestive system. even wild cats do it.


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I don’t understand the reason, however I do understand that Tabs is a fiend for grass. He’ll eat grass as well as flowers till he barfs every possibility he gets if I let him, which I do sometimes.


It’s weird. exactly how about your cats? will they eat eco-friendlies if delegated their own devices?

Your friendly community beauty addict,


Chanel combination Essentielle: Fab, Facile deal with Palettes for Dewy, Fresh-Faced looks

Chanel combination Essentielle: Fab, Facile deal with Palettes for Dewy, Fresh-Faced looks

Chanel combination Essentielle in beige intense ($61)
Way to stay ahead of the curve, team Chanel! The three new Chanel combination Essentielles from the travel Diary autumn 2017 Collection go against the grain of the “more is more” pattern taking over the mainstream makeup world right now.

They strip deal with makeup down to the bare fundamentals — a cream concealer, cream blush as well as a cream highlighter. That’s it. As a makeup junkie who now wholeheartedly embraces very little looks, I like it.


Travel Diary is Chanel’s LE autumn collection, as well as it’s influenced by a California road trip that Chanel makeup designer Lucia Pica took with her buddies up the California coast.

Based on these deal with palettes alone, even though I’ve likewise liked whatever else I’ve tried from this collection, I can tell that Lucia totally gets me. I mean, did homegirl peek into my makeup bag?? since these palettes are precisely the type of palettes I’d want to bring if I were road-tripping.

Chanel combination Essentielle in beige medium ($61)
There are three of them — a light, medium as well as darker choice — as well as they’re all offered now with the rest of the collection at Chanel counters as well as online.


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Peach-toned concealer obliterates dark circles! news AT 11!

There’s so much I like about these palettes, starting with the peach-toned concealer… It OBLITERATES dark circles. It’s brilliant.

I was a bit concerned about the structure at first, since it feels dry — similar to Laura Mercier trick Camouflage, which I’ve never had fantastic luck with (looks heavy on my skin as well as settle into my lines), however this version looks much more natural. I can’t tell where the concealer stops as well as my skin begins.

I’m using Chanel combination Essentielle in beige intense under my eyes as well as on my cheeks, the Chanel road movie quad likewise on my eyes, as well as Chanel Rouge Coco in Daylight on my lips.

If you have yellow undertones in your skin like I do, I would most likely stay with utilizing the concealer under your eyes, since the peach can look extremely stark when used elsewhere. It’s not impossible to utilize it on other areas, however I like it finest under my eyes.

Yeah, that’s a bit limiting, as well as it’s annoying, thinking about that the combination costs $61, however it fits the very little aesthetic of travel Diary.

Scary blush looks shockingly natural

Oh, as well as that hella scary-looking blush? Shockingly, it looks natural on the skin. It’s pigmented, for sure, however with a light tap-tap-tap, you’ll look kissed by the sun, as if you’ve been cruising down the Pacific coastline highway with your finest babes for hours.

Long-wearing creams

Like the concealer, the creams are long-lasting. Um…totally important, right? Yeah, I most likely should’ve mentioned it earlier! all of the creams in the palettes last a long time. I can apply them in the morning on my combo dry/oily skin, as well as they last all day. Of course, there is some fading after 6-7 hours, however that’s to be expected with creams sitting on bare skin.

Swatches of beige medium as well as beige Intense
Is Lucia Pica a MAC CCB fan?

The highlighter is so much YES! I have a sneaking suspicion that Lucia Pica is a trick fan of the MAC cream Colour Bases, since the highlighters feel as well as look just like them. They have a likewise subtle sheen as well as glow that are just perfect for laid-back looks.

Status: recommended

I truly like these a lot, however I motivate you to try them first, if you can, since there are only three versions available, as well as you’ll want to pick the one with the right peach-toned concealer for your skin. For reference, I’m about an NC42 in MAC, as well as the 170 beige intense combination works finest for me.

Easiest poultry bake EVER

I made this truly tasty as well as simple poultry bake last night from a recipe I discovered on recipe Tin Eats, which is a great food blog, BTW, with zillions of recipes that I utilize as well as love.

This one takes five minutes to prep. then you throw it in the oven. The primary components are chicken, broccoli, spiral pasta, garlic, flour, milk, broth, garlic (haha! garlic twice), spices, salt as well as pepper, as well as you actually throw whatever into a baking pan, as well as shove it into the oven. Seriously, it’s that easy.


Last night I substituted the poultry breast for ground chicken, as well as the poultry stock for vegetable stock. Basically, I utilized what I had on hand, as well as it turned out great! I should’ve taken a picture, however it’s already mainly gone, LOL. even the infant liked it.

Your friendly community beauty addict,


Saturday Surfing, December 23rd, 2017

Saturday Surfing, December 23rd, 2017

Dear Santa, I’ve been extremely great this year.
Merry ??? Christmas Eve’s ??? eve. two a lot more sleeps till the huge day. Well…one a lot more sleep for me as well as my fam, since we celebrate on the 24th. We stay up till midnight, eat, hang out, open presents, then pass out around one or two, although last year I passed out at like 10:30, LOL! That may occur again, too. We’ll see.

Pretty soon we’re hitting the road as well as driving as much as the chillier clime of Redding, which is just south of the Oregon border, where a few of El Hub’s side of the household lives. I’ve already double as well as triple inspected my bag to make sure I packed my reliable Nuxe Rêve de Miel as well as metropolitan Decay lip balms (gotta roll with a backup in situation one gets lost) as well as a lot more than sufficient body lotion — the two huge L’s, lip balm as well as lotion — since Redding, while lovely with its lakes as well as breathtaking views of snow-capped Mt. Shasta in the distance, is SO dry as well as chilly NOW. My deal with hurts just believing about it, so I’ll have thick layers of the two huge L’s on my person at any type of provided time.


Tabs’s preferred pet sitter will be over shortly, as well as I’ve heard rumors that Tabs plans to take over my side of the bed as well as claw my silk pillowcase while I’m gone… This might be purely conjecture, however it DOES noise like something he’d do ’cause often he’s petty like that, even during the holidays! I’m not a fan when his Devil uses Prada side comes out, however what are you gonna do?

Oh, I really completed gift wrapping last night, which is great for me since I’m normally pushing everything the method down to the wire, actually taping up gifts just before midnight, so that’s an accomplishment. infant steps, right?

Saturday Surfing: some things that caught my eye this week

The avid hand-washing enthusiast in me wonders if she must stop utilizing antibacterial soap?

You’re going to want to “glow for it” when you see Lancôme’s most current highlighting palette.

When you want ALL THE ONE-SWIPE cream SHADOWS…

Um…is anybody else counting down the seconds up until all the holiday gift sets go on sale after Christmas? since these ones from Caudalie as well as L’Occitane look divine!

Which of these cult appeal products are worth the hype?

Did you understand that igari is a blush style where concentrated bright color is put high on the cheekbones?

Is that artificial fur on your Jenny-from-the-block coat (shout-out to 2002) really artificial fake fur?

Tasty-looking lipsticks from the Sephora collection line (there’s one called Brunch Date, exactly how cute!)

NYX has a new line of click matte lipsticks.

…And so does Laura Mercier!

Makeup for easy, sparkly holiday looks

Robin Fenty’s (you may understand her as Rihanna) new line of lipsticks includes a shade called PMS, which I’m undoubtedly going to requirement in my life ASAP.

Back in the day, getting dressed in the morning was dangerous, according to this history of women who burned to death in flammable dresses.


How’s your holiday weekend coming? Do you celebrate Christmas? If you do, does your household do it on Christmas Eve, or the day of? If you don’t celebrate Christmas, have a terrific weekend too. I’d like to hear what you’re doing. speak to you soon.


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Your friendly community appeal addict,


New face products From too Faced: Hangover 3-in-1 Replenishing primer & setting Spray, and born This way Ethereal setting Powder

New face products From too Faced: Hangover 3-in-1 Replenishing primer & setting Spray, and born This way Ethereal setting Powder

two new too faced face products: Hangover 3-in-1 Replenishing primer & setting Spray, and born This way Ethereal setting Powder ($32 each and available now)
Why you gotta be so cute, too Faced? between the pink ombre action on the Hangover 3-in-1 Replenishing primer & setting Spray and the heart sifter in the born This way Ethereal setting Powder, your cuteness level is off the charts.

These two face products are new to the too faced fam and available now in the permanent line for $32 each.


Too faced Hangover 3-in-1 Replenishing primer & setting Spray ($32)

Does Hangover ring any bells?

Wait — that didn’t come out right.

I’m referring to the original too faced Hangover primer (the one in the tube), which inspired the new multitasking Hangover 3-in-1 Replenishing primer & setting Spray. The latter can work as a primer, moisturizing mist and/or setting spray.


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It’s packed with beauty buzz-worthy ingredients like hydrating coconut, and probiotic lactobacillus, which, by the way, is pretty darned cutting edge. Probiotics are trendy in skin care right now, with the idea being that “good” bacteria helps to keep skin in balance and regulate skin issues (Too faced founder Jerrod Blandino loves all things skin care, so this totally makes sense). The spray is also silicone-, alcohol- and oil-free.

See the heart? too CUTE!

First thing I notice when I use the spray is the way it smells exactly like coconut Life Savers (which is a very good thing to me, YUM). then I notice the mist, which drives me freakin’ batty, because the droplets always come out of the spray unevenly. and some drops are big and end up in random places.

Not my fave thing.

But as a straight-up hydrating spray, I like Hangover a lot. On the mornings after I use a retinol product and my combo skin is thirsty and like, “Gimme all the hydration!” the extra layer of moisture is wonderful.

As a primer and setting spray, however, I think there are other sprays out there that have more kick to ’em and do a better job of keeping that face paint from sliding away. make up For ever makes a terrific one called mist and Fix, and urban Decay has a whole line of sprays devoted to priming and setting. two of my faves are chill and All Nighter.

If your top priority is mega moisture, this Hangover is great, but I wouldn’t recommend it for much else. Funny, but I felt the same way about the coconut Marc Jacobs setting spray. Hmm…

Too faced born This way Ethereal setting Powder ($32)

Sure, this loose powder was made to set too faced born This way foundation and Concealer, but born This way Ethereal setting Powder will also work with whichever other face products you may be crushing on at the moment.

It’s only available in a single shade called Natural, but it’s supposed to work for everyone.

Incidentally (but highly interesting to me), the silky texture feels like you’re petting a Persian kitty’s tum-tum (no, SRSLY, it’s that soft!).

Can you spot the flashback? Yeah, I could’ve probably done a better job with that blending, LOL!
I think it blots oil exceptionally well (comparably to UD’s naked Skin and MAC Blot), but when I’m not careful about reeeeallly buffing it in and there’s even a whisper left un-blended on my skin, I can see a white layer of powder in any pictures that I take with flash.

Darn you, flashback! Why you gotta mess up my groove?


All told, I think this one will work best for lighter lovelies, especially the ones who want major oil-control.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


Product Spotlight: Clinique Redness options Soothing Cleanser

Product Spotlight: Clinique Redness options Soothing Cleanser

and my skin goes “AHHHH!”
Quick take: Here’s a hidden Clinique gem for any individual with red, irritated skin, or for any individual who simply loves creamy, moisturizing cleansers.

Ugh. Red patches.

So not fun! I started using a retinol product about three months ago, which has also indicated that my skin freaks out every so typically and the aggressive exfoliation triggers these red patches to appear. and MAN, those spots hurt like a mutha.


Yesterday I took a walk around the neighborhood, and the red spots on my neck were so itchy and sensitive that I couldn’t even zip up my hoodie all the way. The fabric rubbing against my neck felt like straight-up fire on my skin.

Thank the appeal gods for Clinique Redness options Soothing Cleanser, which is one of those cleansers that’ll have your skin sighing with relief — AHHH! — after you wash your face.

It’s from the Clinique Redness options line, which is their calming and soothing skin care collection for people with Rosacea or “reactive redness,” which is when an event, like a sunburn, or certain medications or retinol, in my case, causes your skin to become red and inflamed.


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For any skin with occasional or persistent redness.

What It Is:
Non-drying cream cleanser is the first step in our Redness options Regimen. use the entire regimen to see an immediate improvement in visible redness.

What It Does:
Melts away makeup and impurities. helps calm redness and irritation while preserving skin’s moisture balance.

Key Ingredients/Technology:
Probiotic technology includes our patented, skin-soothing lactobacillus extract.

Water\Aqua\Eau, Cyclopentasiloxane, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter), Cetearyl Alcohol, Hydrogenated Polyisobutene, Butylene Glycol, Glycerin, Sucrose, Isostearyl Palmitate, Peg-100 Stearate, Camellia Sinensis (Green Tea) leaf Extract, Polygonum Cuspidatum root Extract, Hordeum Vulgare (Barley) Extract\Extrait D’Orge, Triticum Vulgare (Wheat) Germ Extract, Cetearyl Glucoside, Camellia Sinensis (Yellow Tea) leaf Extract, Aspalathus Linearis (Red Tea) leaf Extract Saccharomyces Lysate Extract, Ascophyllum Nodosum Extract, Asparagopsis Armata Extract, Camellia Sinensis (White Tea) leaf Extract, Yeast Extract\Faex\Extrait De Levure, Algae Extract, Caffeine, Lactobacillus Ferment, Sodium Lauroyl Oat Amino Acids, Hydrogenated Lecithin, Polyethylene, Glyceryl Stearate, Salicylic Acid, Sorbitol, Methyl Glucose Sesquistearate, Cholesterol, Linoleic Acid, Acetyl Carnitine Hcl, Glycine, Inulin, Tromethamine, Decarboxy Carnosine Hcl, Phytosphingosine, Cetyl Alcohol, Tocopheryl Acetate, Bisabolol, Squalane, Hdi/Trimethylol Hexyllactone Crosspolymer, Behenyl Alcohol, Carbomer, Silica, Disodium Edta, Potassium Sorbate, Phenoxyethanol, Blue 1 (Ci 42090), Yellow 5 (Ci 19140), Chromium Hydroxide green (Ci 77289), Titanium Dioxide (Ci 77891), Mica

It’s a gentle moisturizing cream cleanser, so no bubbles, and the moment that it hits my skin, my face and neck right away feel better…less itchy and tight, and just normally less angry. The smoothing “ahh!” effect lasts for hours afterwards, too, which I love.

If you wear minimal makeup, Redness options can also double as a makeup remover, but if you’re a “foundation, concealer and setting powder” kinda girl (or guy), I’d suggest using a separate makeup remover first (I like Fresh Seaberry), and then doing a second cleanse with Redness Solutions.

But even if you don’t have redness, and maybe just have sensitive skin and/or you like gentle, creamy cleansers, I still think you’ll like this, just because it’s so, so agreeable.

A big 5-oz. bottle is $23, and I like it so much that I’m carving out a permanent space for it in my skin care lineup. Such a hidden gem!

Let it gooooo

You’d think it would be essentially impossible for someone who spends a lot of days chillin’ with a theatrical tabby and a toddler to NOT have seen Disney’s Frozen until now, but I’m living proof that miracles can happen. We *just* enjoyed this movie, and now I get what all the fuss was about.


I’ve been blasting let It Go so much and so loudly that I’m pretty sure my neighbors have also memorized the lyrics, ha ha!

Your friendly neighborhood appeal addict,


Desperately seeking Persistent Polish: 7 Days With Dermelect Tribeca

Desperately seeking Persistent Polish: 7 Days With Dermelect Tribeca

Desperately seeking Persistent polish is a series where I wear a nail polish for seven days and take before and after pics to paper the condition of my paws over the course of the week!

As you know, I’m still nursing my slashed Freddy Krueger fingernails from The terrific Gel Debacle of 2018 back to health, which is why I’m feeling Dermelect. They’re a line of polishes created to help heavily damaged, brittle nails.

I haven’t seen or heard a lot about them… I feel like they’ve been on the down-low, but you can find them at Ulta.


Their formula is infused with keratin to strengthen nails, and after spending a week with this gorgeous, foggy lilac gray cream called Tribeca ($14), dare I say that my paws are looking the best they’ve looked in weeks? — especially the ideas of my nails. They’re looking much healthier and stronger.

I normally avoid pastel creams because they chip like crazy on my nails (like, seriously, I’ll normally see big chunks missing at the base within a day). plus — ugh — I’m not into layering the three or often four coats it takes to improve creams up to full opacity. I’d rather spend those precious minutes of my life doing a lot more crucial and pressing things…like enjoying people taking baths with their cats and rapping about it.

Tribeca only chipped a bit, and I only needed two coats!


Cats & makeup Sweatshirt ??


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I’m shocked how well it held up over the course of seven days. For the record, I used the same base and top coat I’ve been using throughout the 7 Days series.

It held up even better than my Smith & Cult rose gold glitter mani a few weeks ago, which had been the best performer in the series so far.


Tribeca is a “do” for me. give it a whirl if you feel like a foggy, moody pastel.

Day 1

Day 7

Your friendly neighborhood appeal addict,


Cape Town, South Africa