What Are Your Sanity Savers?

painting paws keeps me sane. I’m using Essie Spool Me Over (left) as well as At the Barre (right).
List the things that are avoiding you from standing in your front lawn as well as screaming up into the sky for hours on end while sheltering-in-place!

My sanity savers, in no specific order:


Painting my nails (I’m all about #MismatchedMani life best now)

Honestly… Carbs. I was eating “lower carb-ish” before the pandemic hit however now I just don’t have the bandwidth for it. provide me all the carbs, please.

Speaking of carbs, baking ALL THE THINGS, particularly cookies. funny thing is I bake much more now than I did when I worked at a bakery, ha!

Cocooning myself into stretchy pants 24/7! My body repels jeans now.

A routine during the weekdays.

Working out very first thing in the morning.

Hanging out with quite woman Rosie, the Torbiest Torbie of the Torbie Girls.

Predictably cheesy rom-coms like Bridget Jones’ Diary, as well as historical period pieces

Lists upon lists upon lists.


How about you?

Your friendly community charm addict,


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Cape Town, South Africa