Sundays With Tabs the Cat, makeup as well as beauty blog Mascot, Vol. 567

Tabs wasn’t just material being a seafood lover. He liked fish so much that he wished to understand whatever about it. He wished to understand whatever there was to understand about fish since he liked it so much.

In fact, among his many careers, he was a sushi chef, a expert bass fisherman as well as bass fishing lure designer, a marine biologist, as well as he likewise starred, of course, in the hit Hollywood superhero movie Aquacat.


While studying for his double degrees in fashion style as well as marine biology at the university of Novato, Tabs established the world’s very first SCUBCC (self-contained underwater breathing feline collar), however it hasn’t seen the light of day (yet) since there was some drama with the estate of Jacques Cousteau…


Hopefully we get it worked out one of these days since it’ll revolutionize undersea kitty exploration as we understand it. ?

Your friendly community beauty addict,


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