Author: ftzys

Crazy Brow Days! (We All have ‘Em)

Crazy Brow Days! (We All have ‘Em)

just a little cray today
Hey, friend! happy Thursday. Is it just me, or has this felt like the longest short week ever?

Anyway, I’m officially having a crazy brow day. It started this morning as I was getting ready for a video call. I drew in my arches with my usual Chanel boy Brow Pencil, but then, when I looked in the mirror, I swear my brows looked like I had barely filled them in at all. So I put a little bit more product in, then a little more and a little more.


Next thing I know, my brows look super dark and crazy!

Of course I had to make it more complicated by running a brow brush through so I could try again, this time instead with an eyeshadow (good ol’ MAC Brun). That, too, still looked kinda funky.

This was the best I could do. Some days you win the brow game, and some days, you gotta take what you can get. Hey, at least I tried, right?


Are you having a crazy brow day, too? Please tell me I’m not the only one.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


Makeup as well as beauty blog Monday Poll, Vol. 697

Makeup as well as beauty blog Monday Poll, Vol. 697

Take care of yourself, my friend.

So…what is the Monday Poll?

Excellent question! It isn’t, contrary to its name, an actual poll, like with bit clicky buttons. It’s just a listing of five more or less random concerns I’ve been publishing on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since 2007). I like reading your answers, as well as it assists me get my week off to a great start. ?

1. Winged line with (pick two): pencil, gel, liquid or eyeshadow?

I like all the options, so it’s difficult to pick just two. If I had to, though, then pencil to very first sketch out the shape as well as then eyeshadow to soften the edges. I’ve been into a softer wing lately!

2. A hair length that works for you?

Long hair is the simplest for me to handle since I don’t have to do much to it. A bit past my shoulders is my wonderful spot.


3. Which one would you rather bring with you in your purse: a travel-size hand cream or a travel-size perfume?

I’d go with the hand cream to go with my travel-size bottle of hand sanitizer.

4. If you were a pie, what type of pie would you be?

Strawberry rhubarb — a bit sweet, a bit tart! Either that or pecan pie, since pecan pie is bomb dot com.

5. Tweed jacket or tweed skirt?

I’m short waisted as well as skirts never in shape me rather right, so I’d pick the tweed jacket in a neutral color.


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6. What was the last show you went to?

Honestly, I have no idea! I had tickets to Lizzo in the autumn of 2019 however didn’t go since of the fires in the Bay Area. The last event that I went to where a group was a stage singing was Connor’s preschool graduation last June. Does that count?

7. Something you have on your to-do listing for today?

Sneak in a tons of laundry. I’ve discovered that if I do one or two tons every day, it’s easier than doing whatever in one fell swoop on the weekend.

8. gowns used with tennis shoes: indeed or no?

Heck yeah, girlfriend, however only if the tennis shoes are clean as well as neat-looking. If they’re as well lived-in, then I feel sloppy.

9. data your nails with a nail data or clip them with nail clippers?

Nail clippers, 100%. So much faster! I no longer have any type of patience for filing my claws down.

Your friendly community beauty addict,



P.S. right here are the concerns to copy/paste with your answers in a comment. talk to ya soon.

1. Winged line with (pick two): pencil, gel, liquid or eyeshadow?
2. A hair length that works for you?
3. Which one would you rather bring with you in your purse: a travel-size hand cream or a travel-size perfume?
4. If you were a pie, what type of pie would you be?
5. Tweed jacket or tweed skirt?
6. What was the last show you went to?
7. Something you have on your to-do listing for today?
8. gowns used with tennis shoes: indeed or no?
9. data your nails with a nail data or clip them with nail clippers?

P.P.S. hey there, friend. How’s it going? I believe I requirement an additional cup of coffee this morning, exactly how about you? A gentle reminder — you’re doing just fine. keep putting one foot in front of the other, as well as hold your chin up high. have a excellent rest of your day as well as an fantastic week!

Sundays With Tabs the Cat, makeup and charm blog Mascot, Vol. 616

Sundays With Tabs the Cat, makeup and charm blog Mascot, Vol. 616

someday a few years ago Tabs was working on some new fashion sketches for his newest cat collar in a sunny patch of walkway in front of the house.

He was deep in the creative zone when, out of nowhere, Harris the neighborhood cat bully appeared. before Tabs could react, Harris leaped on Tabs’s sketchbook, and in a frenzy of fierce claws, ripped a bunch of pages out and ran off with them! He sped away around a corner of the garage and out of sight.


Tabs was speechless. “What the? No! Why!?” He sat there trying to process the horror that had just happened. Tabs had just finished a new sketch for a sunflower summer collar he was sure would take the feline fashion world by storm, but now it was…gone! Harris took it for no reason, completely unprovoked. It was the rudest, meanest, rottenest thing Tabs had seen in a long time, and he was shocked — shocked! — that any cat would do it.

“Hey!” he shouted, “Do you have any idea what you’ve done?”

No answer.


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Tabs was completely aghast. In his estimation, he had just created the design for a collar so incredible and so revolutionary that it would end the city-country cat wars and bring peace to all felinekind. how could any cat be so selfish and short sighted that they would jeopardize world peace like that?

“This is about much more than fashion!” he shouted and shook his paw.

Still no answer.

Despite Harris’s brazen daylight attack, Tabs went on to recreate his design and finish it the following year. It went on to become his magnum opus, his masterpiece, selling a record 300 million collars. ?

In other news…Van Helsing. The show on Syfy? Do you view it? We started viewing it on Netflix last week, and it’s surprisingly good! — if you like post-apocalyptic vampire shows, which I do. It stars a cat who looks just like Tabs…

Kidding. ?


For real, it’s good though.

Your friendly neighborhood charm addict,


Warm golden Lids With Bronzed liner Breakdown | Prioritizing rest | Eyeshadow ideas

Warm golden Lids With Bronzed liner Breakdown | Prioritizing rest | Eyeshadow ideas

starting a new book today!
Heya! delighted Friday. How’s your day going?

Mine has been quite great so far. Today I have the day off, my very first in ages, as well as I have a few hours to myself while Connor is in school, as well as I nearly don’t understand what do. I’ve been working on the weekends for the past few weeks, as well as while I normally don’t mind keeping busy, I’ve made a decision that this is the year I’m going to completely accept rest, so today I’m going to do my finest to just relax.


All I’m enabled to do are things that assist refill the well, so to speak, both psychologically as well as physically. great luck to me, LOL! There’s always something to do around here, as well as I’m already ticking off all the things I might achieve with the additional time, like cleaning the bathroom, doing laundry, going grocery shopping, prepping meals for the weekend, getting ahead on composing for work, etc. etc. BUT, NOPE. Not gonna do it. rest is the concern today.

I’m going to curb the requirement to be productive as well as just do fun things for me today. I’m going to enjoy a period piece (I’m believing “Remains of the Day” or “The Age of Innocence”), buy a Blue Barn salad, begin a new book as well as perhaps paint my nails if I’m feeling ambitious. Oh, I’m going to drink decaf Nespressos all the time long, hahaha. I may even take a nap, GASP!

Ate my preferred salad in the world, the Tostada salad with grilled shrimp as well as avocado from Blue Barn Marin

Love me a period piece


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Let’s do this

Are you great about being proactive about your periods of rest? I’m so not. I’m trying to get much better about it, though.

Anywho, so this note is marginally associated to makeup, Kathleen stated this in the comments last Friday on the two-toned liner makeup post:

Teach me your ways! I can manage the awesome liner situation. however can you walk me with the eyeshadow, please? Is the Honey Lust on the lid as well as the Woodwinked on the inner corner? as well as Saddle beneath both as a base? I never wear shadow, so I appreciate your ideas – Thanks!

Hey, Kathleen! say thanks to you for your question. Here’s a breakdown of where I put each shadow on my lid; hope this helps.

Some general tips:

Practice, practice, practice. With eyeshadow, I believe it’s always a great concept to just keep practicing. location your shadows on your lids, blend as much as you can (use a light touch), as well as repeat up until you get the hang of it. ultimately you’ll figure out what placement works finest for your eye shape.

Keep it simple. I would keep it fairly simple. Do one, two shades at the most. Oh, as well as simplify by skipping the primer if you want (or don’t). I normally opt out as well as just do shadow, no primer.

Smooth it out. That said, if you’re having difficulty smoothing out your gradients, try dusting a light layer of powder on top of your lids first. as well as just keep practicing!

Alright, I’m off to go as well as do absolutely nothing.


Your friendly community appeal addict,



Blogmas Day 15: Christmas recipes

Blogmas Day 15: Christmas recipes

In today’s coordinated Babes in Blogland Blogmas post, we’re all sharing our preferred Christmas recipes… and I’m not qualified because I DON’T cook OR BAKE!  So instead of sharing a recipe, today I’m showing you the gingerbread house I got:

Minions!  I’ve built a few gingerbread houses in my time – typically I like having a Christmas film playing in the background and I go to town.

When I purchased it at the supermarket, the cashier positively squealed when she found this item, lol. Here’s what the package looks like fresh out of the box:

The instructions aren’t very comprehensive – nowhere did it say that these pieces needed to be cut apart, but I’m one of those people who likes to pre-plan before starting a project, so I knew these pieces looked dodgy!

Starting to glue the base structure:

I wish I could tell you this gingerbread house build went off without a hitch… but the damn icing wouldn’t STICK onto the gingerbread pieces! I put together the base as shown and then proceeded to attached the roof, only for the base to collapse on me!  This is pre-roof, pre-collapse:

This is what it looks like after the 2nd attempt, notice the amount of icing I had to slap on the seams:

And because I had to use extra icing, I essentially depleted my decorating glue for the gumdrops and sprinkles… I had to make do. Here it is put together and decorated before I ran out of icing:

Feast on your eyes on this!

(Scroll back up to the top of this post and compare to the photo on the box… )

And less than an hour after it was assembled, one of the side walls caved in – the structure still stands but it’s a 3-walled house… “open concept living quarters”  This was such a challenging experience for an adult to do, I can’t think of making this as a kid!  Geez.

And that’s how I “bake” for the holidays! have you ever built a gingerbread house before?  What’s YOUR favourite Christmas recipe?

Be sure to check out the rest of the Babes in Blogland for their favourite Christmas recipes:
♥ Ingrid of Curly.Spring.Blossom
♥ Sharon of Sharon charm Prime
♥ Kaily of hi Kaily

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Blogmas 2016: The Christmas charm TagEven though I chose to do a shortened Blogmas this year, I was quite challenged as to what topics to write about, because last year’s Blogmas pretty much covered all the major Christmassy topics like Christmas music, movies, gift ideas, etc. So I was thrilled when I found this tag…
December 19, 2016In “Beauty”

Blogmas Day 6: Christmas CardsI love greeting cards. I love taking a look at them. I love collecting them. and many of all, I love giving them!  Christmas time is the best time for a greeting card fiend like me (ecards just don’t hack it!). each year I go on a hunt for boxed Christmas cards…
December 6, 2015In “General”

Blogmas 2016: The smells of ChristmasYou’re thinking to yourself, “that Stashy is really running out of ideas for this Blogmas thing, isn’t she?” 😆  Well, hear me out!  I think we focus so much on our sense of sight that we in some cases overlook our other senses.  For previous Blogmas posts, I’ve already focused on the…
December 24, 2016In “Beauty”

Saturday Surfing, Feb. 19, 2022

Saturday Surfing, Feb. 19, 2022

happy national Lash Day! Mascara and Kitties Tee.
Hi, and happy Caturday!

Oh, and happy national Lash Day too! Yes, we’re celebrating eyelashes now. My lashes are currently on the hunt for a new mascara, by the way. If you’re happy with yours, please share because Laura Mercier Caviar just isn’t doing it for me anymore (the curl hold isn’t the same for whatever reason).


Lately, I’ve been wearing a layer of Ilia Fullest Volumizing Mascara with a waterproof mascara on top, and while it does the job just fine, I’d prefer to have a one-and-done solution, so let me know if you’ve found anything life changing!

Speaking of lashes, Connor had a mini-meltdown over her eyelashes recently. Hers are long and curly like El Hub’s, and they typically get caught in her eyes, which is very uncomfortable for her. When it happens, I either help her use a washcloth or rinse out her eyes with water to get the stuck lashes out.

Anywho, it happened again the other day, and she started talking about cutting her lashes off because they were so bothersome… I shut that down real quick. I think between the “absolutely not” and “you’re gonna poke your eye out,” something may have gotten lost in translation because she just started bawling. I held her in my arms and assured her that it wasn’t always going to be a problem, and that one day she’d be grateful for such lovely lashes. then we rinsed out her eyes and went about business as usual.


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Throwback to li’l baby lashes!
So yeah, happy national Lash Day. I hope you aren’t having a meltdown!

This week’s reading

Social media influencers are now cloning their pets…

Debbie Harry on red lipstick: “Red lipstick can be one of the disasters with smearing and bleeding, but then again, these can be intriguing looks to develop. I didn’t always wear red lips, and the shades of red varied according to what I was wearing, my mood, or whatever I had available. I always like shades that had names that implied something wild, tempting, or nasty.”

Stevie Nicks is still living her dreams.

Acne is generally regarded differently in Korea than it is in the United States. In Korea, dermatologists focus on hydration and moisture barrier support to prevent blemishes.

Dog cologne is a thing.

One of my favorite cat “ladies” is clearly not a minimalist.

If you like fancy things…

I want to do this!

“I don’t like open concepts. give me a room where I can shut a door.” <-----same ADVERTISEMENT Have a wonderful rest of your weekend. Anything exciting happening on your end? Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict, Karen

LUSH The sacred reality Fresh deal with Mask

LUSH The sacred reality Fresh deal with Mask

I just recently published my newbie rich haul as well as numerous of you requested a evaluation of the sacred reality Mask so right here it is:

The rich The sacred reality Fresh deal with Mask is only offered in store, not online, as well as costs $7.95 for 60g. This product needs refrigeration because of the fresh, natural ingredients.

This mask is aimed at “dry as well as mature skin” of which my skin is neither. However, I scanned the component listing as well as it contained things that I felt would be great for me: honey (first ingredient), glycerin, papaya, yogurt, shea butter.  Also, because of the IPL treatments I’ve been doing, my skin has been somewhat drier / tighter feeling, as well as this mask assists to relief that.

Honey , Glycerine , Kaolin , Talc , Fresh Papaya (Carica papaya) , Soya Yoghurt (Glycine soja) , Bentonite Gel , organic evening Primrose Oil (Oenothera Biennis) , Lanolin , fair trade Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii) , additional Virgin Coconut Oil (Cocos nucifera) , Fresh organic totally free variety Eggs , fragrance , Ylang Ylang Oil (Cananga odorata) , increased absolute (Rosa damascena) , Lavender Oil (Lavandula augustifolia) , Rosewood Oil (Aniba rosaeordora) , Fresh Wheatgrass (Triticum Aestivum Vulgare) , organic Ginseng root Powder (Panax Ginseng) , eco-friendly Tea Powder (Camelia sinensis) , Ginkgo leaf Powder (Ginkgo biloba) , Bee Pollen , *Benzyl Benzoate , *Citronellol , *Farnesol , *Geraniol , *Limonene , *Linalool . *Occurs naturally in important oils

The mask has a extremely gooey / sticky consistency which makes sense provided the high honey content. There are likewise bit bits of papaya in the mask that I try to strategically location on my deal with (middle of forehead, on the suggestion of my nose; “Hey hun, is there something on my face?). I’m going to admit something here: Curiosity overcame me as well as I tasted this deal with mask (for science!) as well as it does taste somewhat sweet, however mainly soapy (don’t try this at home, kids!)

I utilize about 2 tbsp worth of product to cover my deal with – there’s no tingling or tightening feeling – the directions specify to leave it on for 10 minutes as well as not to let the mask dry completely.  I’m not sure why I shouldn’t leave the mask to dry totally – I expect rich concerns that it may be challenging to rinse off? I’ve let the mask dry completely, as well as my deal with hasn’t fallen off.  I left it on my deal with for 30 minutes one time while I was viewing A few great guy on TV – I was waiting on the “YOU CAN’T deal with THE TRUTH” scene…

Immediately after rinsing the mask off, my skin feels extremely supple as well as soft.  The mask rinses quite cleanly however it does leave a balmy feel on the skin – practically like beeswax, I suspect it’s the lanolin – however it’s not a greasy film.  I apply my typical deal with cream as well as phone call it a night (I avoid the serum). In the morning, my skin still looks as well as feels extremely hydrated.

Another plus is that this product needs to be refrigerated so each time I utilized this mask, it had a good cooling sensation. A caution though, the mask is rather quite aromatic (ylang ylang, rose, lavender, rosewood) – when I apply this, the SO can odor it from one more the space so if you’re sensitive to scents, I’d suggest staying away from this product. In fact, if you’re sensitive to scents, just stay away from rich altogether.

My pot of mask was made on February 1st as well as ends tomorrow.  I’ve utilized this mask 5 times as well as will be doing my final mask tonight – yielding 6 uses out of the 60g pot. At a expense of $7.95, this works out to $1.33 per mask, which isn’t as well poor when I think about that I pay $2 for those single-use sheet masks.  And this includes fresh natural components made by hand! It ought to be noted that this product does include eggs as well as is labelled as vegetarian. depending upon what type of vegetarianism one follows, this may or may not be acceptable.

Bonus: gather 5 rich pots with special labels to exchange for a totally free fresh deal with mask! From my rich haul, 3 of the products have the labels, so I requirement 2 much more to get a totally free mask.

• leaves skin soft as well as supple
• Fresh natural ingredients
• fairly priced
• Cruelty-free

• extremely restricted lifespan
• only offered at rich stores, not online
• Inclusion of ylang ylang, increased absolute, lavender as well as rosewood oil may irritate some skin

Stash worthiness: 8/10

Looks like I’ve ended up being a rich mask convert. have you tried this mask?  What is your preferred deal with mask?

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LUSH 5 Pot Program – totally free Fresh deal with MaskThe subtitle to this publish is “What I believed on stuff I bought: rich edition”, because I’ll be showing you the empties that I’ll be bringing back to rich with quickie evaluations on them. as well as then I requirement your assist in selecting what mask to redeem for! I really have…
April 24, 2017In “Beauty”

LUSH catastrophe cosmetic Fresh deal with MaskToday is Victoria Day, a holiday right here in Canada, in event of Queen Victoria’s birthday. Colloquially, we phone call it “May two four long weekend” because of the approximate date (May 24th) and to explain a situation of beer (‘two four’).  The prominent activity to do during this long weekend is to…
May 22, 2017In “Beauty”

A Newbie rich HaulI’m a overall rich noob. I’ve gone into that stores only a handful of times as well as have had just a few items.  I want to venture much more into the brand however I’m typically as well overwhelmed by the crowds, the smells, as well as the choice in there – so typically I walk around…
February 11, 2016In “Beauty”

H&M Eye shadows as well as blush evaluation

H&M Eye shadows as well as blush evaluation

I bought a lot of H&M beauty products back in January during my free for all month of makeup haulage.   I had been eagerly waiting to try the H&M beauty ever since they re-vamped their line in late 2015.  Whenever I try out a makeup line for the very first time, I always default to the products I’m most comfortable with: eye shadows as well as blushes!

• High effect Eye color single Eye shadow in down to Earth, Cocoa Mauve, as well as Shiitake
• Pure glow Powder Blusher in Deep Brown

I’ve had a possibility to wear these for a while so it’s high time I evaluation them!

The outer boxes of the H&M beauty products are truly stylish with the black & white photography as well as gold foil lettering.
High effect Eye color single Eye Shadows

Narrowing down to these 3 colours was rather difficult since the colour offering is rather vast (I count at least 50 colours) as well as many of the shades are so similar to every other:

They retail for C$7.99 each for 2g of product.

“A silky smooth eye shadow that blends quickly for a vivid, velvety surface that stays put. offered in a wide variety of curated colours as well as captivating impacts – from soft mattes to rich shimmers to strong metallics, the possibilities are endless. wear it on top of eye primer for even more intense as well as long-lasting results.”

L to R:
Down to earth – shimmer finish, deep grey taupe
Cocoa Mauve – matte finish, mauve brown
Shiitake – metallic finish, light great tan

My favourite shade is Shiitake, complied with by down to earth – both of these are luxurious as well as pigmented.  I discovered Cocoa Mauve to be not as pigmented as well as used a bit patchy, although it did blend out nicely.

The packaging is nice however there’s a great deal of useless additional plastic around the pan – compared to MAC as well as Essence single shadows:

MAC Prepped for Glamour, H&M Shiitake, Essence 58 Cappuccino, Please! The MAC is 1.7g vs H&M’s 2g vs Essence’s 2.5g pan.
Price-wise, I believe C$7.99 is a bit bit steep for H&M – which is understood for its “fast fashion” – as well as thinking about that MAC eye shadow refills are now C$8 each.  I believe a $2 cost decrease would be more according to the brand.

• Pigmented
• long wearing
• crease resistant
• blends well
• wide colour as well as surface range

• extreme plastic casing
• high quality inconsistent between shimmer as well as matte

Stash worthiness: 8/10

Pure glow Powder Blusher

I was originally set to buy at least 2 blushes however I discovered the choice to be lacking – most of the colours did not swatch well on my skin.

I ended up with just Deep Brown which cost C$12.99 for 5g.

The shade Deep brown isn’t as well deep or truly all that brown – it’s more of a mauvey increased that’s mainly matte with a small bit of satin sheen.

I discovered the texture of the blush to be truly thin – I have to stack on the layers for it to show up on my skin. On the flip side, it’s extremely simple to blend as well as doesn’t leave any type of harsh lines.  On my cheeks, I noted that it did not last extremely long as well as would begin fading by around the 5 hr mark.

And the packaging – it’s extremely Instagram-friendly with the hexagon shape – as well as it’s unique in my collection. Although there is a bit of excess plastic, the compact itself is rather thin. right here it is compared to MAC blush (Cubic is shown) which is 6g.

I did really compare this H&M blush against MAC Cubic in this post here.

• simple to blend
• nice packaging

• Not pigmented
• faded quickly

Stash worthiness: 5/10

I’d likely not purchase one more H&M blush however would think about more of the eye shadows.

Both products are made in Italy. I should note that not all of the H&M collection are made in Italy so care should be taken to checked out the fine print. For instance, one of the heavily promoted product during the launch, the Eyeshadow combination (shown in Smoky Nudes):

Is really made in China, so I passed on it.

I just recently had one more look at the H&M beauty collection at the store as well as I would be thinking about trying the All-Day liquid foundation (C$14.99) as well as tinted Lip Balm (C$7.99) – both are made in the E.U.

Have you tried any type of H&M beauty products? What would you suggest to try?

From last year:
Blogmas Day 12: got a Parcel!

Side note: My Black Friday order from beauty Bay still hasn’t arrived…!

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Maison Jacynthe makeup LaunchI’m sure you’ve heard of this brand by now since it’s making the rounds on all the Canadian beauty blogs! 😉 I won’t bore you as well much with the mythos of Maison Jacynthe (yes, there’s a genuine person behind the brand, Jacynthe René) as it’s been written about countless times recently…
October 27, 2016In “Beauty”

H&M beauty HaulI was giddy with enjoyment as I revisited the H&M beauty department – this time around with the intention to BUY! 😀 My very first see was soon after the introduce as well as I was full of longing for all the loveliness, however left me empty-handed as well as empty-hearted… however now I am FULL……
January 19, 2016In “Beauty”

Kiko makeup evaluation – color Fever Eyeshadow Palette, Moon dust deal with Powder as well as shade combination Trio BlushAnd right here we go – starting to chip away at a few of the products languishing in my stock waiting to be reviewed! I’ve had these products in my stock for almost a year! 😳 I did take pictures of them back in September so I did handle to wear them…
December 7, 2016In “Beauty”

5 things I’ve Been Loving Lately

5 things I’ve Been Loving Lately

Chanel Purple Ray!
1. Purple nails

OPI Leonardo’s Model
Not very holiday-esque, I know, but I’ve been really into purple nails lately.

2. love Life on HBO

I stumbled onto this romantic comedy purely on accident, and guess what? It’s really good. It’s funny, earnest, sweet, heartbreaking — all the good stuff! I had to force myself to slow down while enjoying the first season, which stars Anna Kendrick, because otherwise I would never have gone to bed! It’s that good.


3. Not asking for people to give me Christmas wish lists.

I used to ask people to give me lists of what they wanted for Christmas because I always like to give gifts they actually want…but this year I’ve made a decision to skip that.

Ya know, I always end up hounding them for their list, which just stresses me out and puts me behind on my holiday shopping, so I’ve let it go this year. and you know what?

I’m absolutely amazing with that.

4. Edamame and rice bowl

I had this for lunch today and remembered why it’s such a great, easy meal.

It’s quick to make, filling and tastes delish. just heat some rice and frozen edamame, and you’re done!

Wasn’t that easy?

When I need a lot more protein, I add a sunny-side-up egg on top.

Simple but delicious
5. Mattloveshair on Instagram


His feed is fun and he has terrific tips!

Your friendly neighborhood appeal addict,


PP12: MAC Eye shadows in All That Glitters, Patina, Satin Taupe, Romp

PP12: MAC Eye shadows in All That Glitters, Patina, Satin Taupe, Romp

Yay, it’s lastly a focus on the MAC eye shadow quad! I’m not expected to pick a preferred out of my job pan products (because the other products would get jealous) however I’m going to admit that I like these eye shadows just a teeny small more. Shhhh.

This is a MAC pro combination that I selected each colour myself, they are: All That Glitters, Patina, Satin Taupe, Romp:

Sadly, Romp is discontinued. however the other 3 are still easily available!

Here are the official MAC descriptions for every shade:
All That Glitters: beige w/gold pearl [Veluxe Pearl]
Patina: Taupe brown w/golden pearl [Frost]
Satin Taupe: Taupe with silver shimmer [Frost]
Romp: chocolate laced with gold [Frost]

I don’t believe the MAC descriptions are all that precise for All That Glitters as well as Patina.  All That Glitters is much more of a peachy pink shade, not beige. as well as Patina is much more of a sandy beige rather than a taupe.  Each of these 4 colours appear on my top 10 MAC eye shadow listing – to ensure that tells you exactly how much I like them!

It was appealing to do some comparison swatches (especially of Patina as well as Satin Taupe, because I likely own 3 dupes for them each) however I’ll save that for one more post.

Even within this quad, I do have small preference for Patina as well as Satin Taupe over the other 2 colours. many days I utilize Patina on the inner half of the lid, as well as Satin Taupe on the outer half.  It would be remiss if I do not mention MAC Wedge in this post, because I integrate it as part of my everyday look as the transitional shade to blend out along the crease.

I ought to likewise mention that the MAC pro combination I utilize to home these 4 refill pan shadows is the older style, on the left:

I really choose the older style empty combination as they’re slimmer as well as much more compact.

Last week, I accomplished what I believed was never going to happen: I hit pan on PATINA!  That was one of the first MAC eye shadows I ever bought.  I believe this is the very first time I ever hit pan on a full-sized eye shadow! OMG!  This is what it appeared like when I hit pan last week:

And this is what is appears like now:

MAC pro combination eye shadow refills expense C$8 ($6 USD) each (which is a fairly recent cost drop, before March 2016, they utilized to expense C$12 / $10 USD each).  And the empty 4-pan compact costs C$10 (I believe they utilized to expense double that!)

And the eye shadows went down once again this week (I have truly been digging into these lately):

But, do not fear, because I have back-ups of all the colours except for All That Glitters.

Annoyingly, the Cargo deal with powder hasn’t gone down once again this week:

Please inspect out my job pan buddies for their updates:
• Ingrid of Curly.Spring.Blossom
• Jodi of A Brash Attitude
• Chanelle of Chanelle Hayleyyy

If you might produce the ideal quad out of any type of 4 eye shadows (any brand), what would you choose?

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