Blogmas Day 15: Christmas recipes

In today’s coordinated Babes in Blogland Blogmas post, we’re all sharing our preferred Christmas recipes… and I’m not qualified because I DON’T cook OR BAKE!  So instead of sharing a recipe, today I’m showing you the gingerbread house I got:

Minions!  I’ve built a few gingerbread houses in my time – typically I like having a Christmas film playing in the background and I go to town.

When I purchased it at the supermarket, the cashier positively squealed when she found this item, lol. Here’s what the package looks like fresh out of the box:

The instructions aren’t very comprehensive – nowhere did it say that these pieces needed to be cut apart, but I’m one of those people who likes to pre-plan before starting a project, so I knew these pieces looked dodgy!

Starting to glue the base structure:

I wish I could tell you this gingerbread house build went off without a hitch… but the damn icing wouldn’t STICK onto the gingerbread pieces! I put together the base as shown and then proceeded to attached the roof, only for the base to collapse on me!  This is pre-roof, pre-collapse:

This is what it looks like after the 2nd attempt, notice the amount of icing I had to slap on the seams:

And because I had to use extra icing, I essentially depleted my decorating glue for the gumdrops and sprinkles… I had to make do. Here it is put together and decorated before I ran out of icing:

Feast on your eyes on this!

(Scroll back up to the top of this post and compare to the photo on the box… )

And less than an hour after it was assembled, one of the side walls caved in – the structure still stands but it’s a 3-walled house… “open concept living quarters”  This was such a challenging experience for an adult to do, I can’t think of making this as a kid!  Geez.

And that’s how I “bake” for the holidays! have you ever built a gingerbread house before?  What’s YOUR favourite Christmas recipe?

Be sure to check out the rest of the Babes in Blogland for their favourite Christmas recipes:
♥ Ingrid of Curly.Spring.Blossom
♥ Sharon of Sharon charm Prime
♥ Kaily of hi Kaily

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