What Do You look for in a makeup artist When You’re looking for advice at a makeup Counter?

MAC senior artist Victor Cembellin
This may sound strange, but what I look for in a makeup artist when I want advice is kind of like what I might look for in a therapist. Basically, I want somebody that I can tell is really listening to me and isn’t in a big hurry — somebody who will take the time to help. Ideally, this person would also be nice, because it’s always easier to talk to nice people who aren’t dismissive of you, or who look down on you. I mean, that’s never fun. I go to a makeup counter because I want to feel good about myself and learn something new, or perhaps I just need a pick-me-up, and it’s just always nicer talking to somebody sincere who has a good attitude, and somebody friendly who will look you in the eye, you know, and maybe crack a few jokes, but at the same time is very knowledgeable.

Most of the time when I do go to a makeup counter, I go with a specific question in mind, and I’m not shy about it, so I’ll walk up to whomever’s working and be like, “Hello. Who’s the best person to ask for eye makeup advice?” or, “Who here does the most incredible skin??”


I don’t want to waste anybody’s time, so I’ll ask them my questions, and hopefully they’ll have an answer for me, or maybe offer a technique or product recommendation.

Most of the time I’d rather speak to someone I have good chemistry with than someone who may have rockin’ eye makeup but seems uninterested in me, or comes across as standoffish or dismissive.

How about you? What do you look for in a makeup artist when you’re looking for advice at a makeup counter?


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Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


P.S. happy Tuesday.

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