Sundays With Tabs the Cat, makeup and appeal blog Mascot, Vol. 599

spring has sprung! ? — and despite the seriousness of current events, Tabs wouldn’t have let it rain on his parade. Nope. spring was his favorite season, and he saw it as a time of incredible creative, mental and spiritual renewal.

Times are hard and getting tougher. Tabs would have said, “Adversity reveals true character.” He was a very inspirational cat.


He was also the greatest springtime kitty supermodel of all time.

PGR (Pretty girl Rosie), even though she made a decision to pursue a occupation in science, has also been inspired by Tabs. She sees me always looking through ad campaigns Tabs did, and the walls in the home office are decorated with poster-sized pictures of Tabs, and I think some of that fabulousness has rubbed off on her, because every once in a while I’ll catch her striking a pose for the camera. ?


I think she might even try to get a few kitty modeling gigs as a side hustle. ?

Your friendly neighborhood appeal addict,


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